Zawgyi Unicode Converter APK (Android App) 您所在的位置:网站首页 unicode standard Zawgyi Unicode Converter APK (Android App)

Zawgyi Unicode Converter APK (Android App)

#Zawgyi Unicode Converter APK (Android App)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Zawgyi Unicode Converter is a free and open source Zawgyi-One and standard Myanmar Unicode auto converter app / apk created by DagonMetric Myanmar Tools team.


- Ability to convert Zawgyi to standard Myanmar Unicode and standard Myanmar Unicode to Zawgyi. - Amazing correctness in every Zawgyi Unicode conversion. - Intelligent understanding of input font encoding (Zawgyi or Unicode) and convert automatically. - Ability to convert Zawgyi or Unicode from any app Share menu. - Ability to use anytime even disconnected from internet. - Fully tested with words and text from Myanmar Dictionaries, Myanmar Spelling Book and social media posts. - Free, open source and MIT license!


** Important note to update Android System WebView If your Android phone version is < 8, please update Android System WebView from Google Play, if not this app may not work.






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